April 1, 2004

  • Spent all morning with my honey browsing the mall for ski equipment sales, watching the lovely lad bend and flex on the downhill simulator like Arnold Schwarzenegger posing on a gigantic treadmill, appealing to me with his dizzying nylon carpet blue eyes:   Pretty please, for graduation?  It's not every day someone's accepted into dentistry school!    I know, Boy, but if I get you new skis, I'll never see you again; maybe some other time when we're more...commited.   For now, you'll have to do with the nice attache case I've got on layaway.

    Lunch was Tex Mex at the shoppers' market, where we ran into some of the brothers, looking very slick and conservative indeed.   They were waiting for the matinee to start.   Full of April Fool's jokes, of course, but I asked them to cool it, remembering our disasterous party the 17th.   Then me and the Brettster went grocery shopping, just like a regular married couple.   He must've felt my possessive vibes.

    Maya's coming along quite nicely.   She didn't bark and nip at our ankles getting into the car today.  (Marsha:   "You have to let her in first; she's afraid you're going to leave her behind."   Brucie:   "Just, shove her aside with your boot.   That ought to teach her to mind her manners."   Me:   "You can't kick her!   She's too small.  You could easily cause an internal injury.")   We're trying her on a new brand of kibble with extra vitamins they recommend in the Hills for stressed-out canines.